
Rad Agreement

What Is a RAD Agreement?

RAD, or Rental Assistance Demonstration, is a federal program designed to help preserve and improve public housing. The RAD program allows public housing authorities to convert their properties to project-based Section 8 rental assistance, allowing them to leverage private financing and thereby address the backlog of capital needs in the public housing sector.

A RAD agreement is the contract signed between the public housing authority (PHA) and the lender or investor, outlining the terms of the financing and the requirements for the conversion of the property. The RAD agreement is a critical document for the financial success of the project, as it sets forth the framework for the financing and the terms of the ongoing relationship between the PHA and the investor.

Key Elements of a RAD Agreement

A RAD agreement typically includes the following key elements:

1. Property Description: This section provides a detailed description of the property being converted, including its location, unit count, and condition.

2. Financing Terms: The financing terms specify the amount of funding being provided and the terms for repayment, including interest rates and repayment schedules.

3. Conversion Requirements: The conversion requirements outline the steps that the PHA must take to convert the property to project-based Section 8 rental assistance, including providing notice to tenants and submitting an application to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

4. Operating Agreement: The operating agreement sets forth the ongoing relationship between the PHA and the investor, including the responsibilities of each party, the reporting requirements, and the means by which disputes will be resolved.

5. Regulatory Compliance: The regulatory compliance section outlines the requirements for compliance with relevant federal, state, and local laws and regulations, including fair housing laws and environmental regulations.

Benefits of a RAD Agreement

A RAD agreement provides several benefits for both the PHA and the investor:

1. Preservation of Affordable Housing: The RAD program allows PHAs to preserve affordable housing by leveraging private financing to address the backlog of capital needs.

2. Improved Access to Capital: By converting to project-based Section 8 rental assistance, PHAs can access a wider range of financing options and lower interest rates.

3. Stabilized Cash Flows: The long-term rental assistance provided through the RAD program helps to stabilize cash flows for both the PHA and the investor, reducing risk and increasing predictability.

4. Improved Quality of Housing: The RAD program allows PHAs to make necessary repairs and improvements to their properties, improving the quality of housing for low-income families.


A RAD agreement is a critical component of the RAD program, providing a framework for the financing and conversion of public housing to project-based Section 8 rental assistance. By leveraging private financing and improving the quality of housing, the RAD program serves as a powerful tool in the fight to preserve and improve affordable housing for low-income families.

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